უნგრეთის ლუდოვიკას საჯარო სამსახურის უნივერსიტეტი (LUPS) აცხადებს კონკურსს ცენტრალური და აღმოსავლეთ ევროპის უნივერსიტეტების აკადემიური პირებისთვის. დედლაინი: 2025 წლის 20 იანვარი.
დეტალური ინფორმაცია იხ. ბმულზე: https://en.uni-nke.hu/
We would like to inform you, that Ludovika University of Public Service (LUPS) invites applications from Central and Eastern European lecturers.
The aim of Ludovika Scholars Program is to provide the citizens of LUPS with the opportunity to exchange ideas with Central and Eastern European academics, researchers, and experts, and to enable visiting lecturers to learn about the work of scholars at LUPS as well as to develop stronger relationships with their scientific partners.
In the framework of the Program the successful applicants shall spend a week at LUPS, delivering public lectures, participating in workshops and taking part in professional discussions organized by the host faculties or research institutes. This will pave the way for closer cooperation with the lecturers’ home institutions and will allow for the exploration of the possibilities for future joint or double-degree programs, as well as joint research and publication opportunities.
Application deadline: 20 January 2025